Hans has been taken for the possibility of ransom, but Henry has a plan to save him. Here’s how to bust Hans out of Maleshov ...
As part of the “Taking French Leave” main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you’ll be tasked with infiltrating the ...
Have you found any creative resolutions of your own in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II? Let us know in the comments section ...
Lady Rosa Ruthard in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is one of the many potential romance choices Henry can pursue in his journey. You will meet her during the Taking French Leave main quest ...
Here's how long it'll take to finish Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, depending on how much extra quests you take on.
Deliverance 2 begins with the end of the Via Argentum quest, after players report their findings to Christian of Pisek. He ...
How do you complete the Taking French Leave quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? After you sort out the trouble with Royal Mint Master Vavak, Sir Kunzlin Ruthard will help you infiltrate Maleshov ...
The Taking French Leave quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 focuses on rescuing Hans Capon from the custody of Lord Von Bergow. To do this, you must find a hidden entry point, infiltrate Maleshov ...