Nestle USA has voluntarily pulled select batches of these products after multiple consumer complaints, including a report of ...
Recalls seems to happen frequently these days, but this latest one affecting certain frozen Lean Cuisine and Stouffer's ...
Select Lean Cuisine ravioli meals, Lean Cuisine stir fry and Stouffer's lasagna are included in the recall Nestlé USA has ...
Nestle has recalled some Lean Cuisine and Stouffer's frozen meals due to the potential presence of wood-like material.
In a statement, the company said there is a possible presence of "wood-like material" in select Lean Cuisine and Stouffers ...
Some frozen meals may have been contaminated with "wood-like material," leading to at least one choking incident, Nestlé USA ...
Nestlé USA issued a voluntary recall this week of several frozen meal products under the Lean Cuisine and Stouffer brands.
Four types of frozen food meals have been recalled “due to the potential presence of wood-like material,” Nestle USA ...
The latest not-food-in-your-food recall pulls Lean Cuisine and Stouffer’s frozen meals from shelves at Walmart, Publix, ...