It was Karl Marx who said that Hegel forgot to add that these repeating events happen “first as tragedy, then as farce”. You know, like Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump. The script goes like this. A ...
Dictator of a nation devoted to splendid sausages, cigars, beer, and babies, Adolf Hitler is a ... supposedly already selected by Hitler to succeed him in the event of the Führer’s death.
As the head of these organizations, Musk has often been at the head of public controversies. One of the most recent pieces of problematic news to come out about Musk was that the openly appeared to ...
In January 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor close ChancellorThe ... Arguably the most critical event during this period, the Enabling Act gave Hitler absolute power to make laws without ...
Experts believe that French astrologist and soothsayer Michel de Nostredame, or Nostradamus, may have predicted Pope Francis’ death and successor.
How could the German people have allowed Adolf Hitler to take absolute power and commit monstrous acts? Hitler did it gradually, so people did not realize the terrible ultimate results until it ...
Bryce Mitchell will fight at UFC 314 for the first time since publicly spewing pro-Hitler rhetoric, drawing surging featherweight Jean Silva at the Miami event on April 12, the promotion announced ...