NGC 3312 is located front and center in the new image, surrounded by bright stars and galaxies. A smudge of interstellar material can be seen at the lower right of the galaxy, suggesting it is being ...
Abstract: We present low-resolution Keck spectroscopy for the globular cluster (GC) H VIII in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. We find the metallicity of the cluster to be [Fe/H]=−1.58 ...
NGC 2397, pictured in this image from Hubble, is a classic spiral galaxy with long prominent dust lanes along the edges of its arms, seen as dark patches and streaks silhouetted against the starlight.
Spiral galaxy NGC 628 is 32 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. Webb’s image of NGC 628 shows a densely populated face-on spiral galaxy anchored by its central region ...
Aiming to shed more light on the properties of NGC 891, a group of astronomers led by Jérémy Chastenet of the Ghent University in Belgium, decided to investigate this galaxy's circumgalactic ...
Slightly southern galaxies This week’s second large-telescope target is elliptical galaxy NGC 7103 in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus. It’s actually part of a small group of galaxies ...
NGC 3430 itself is a spiral lacking a central bar with open, clearly defined arms—classified today as an SAc galaxy. Provided ...