If you are saddled with student loan debt, student loan forgiveness offers a promising way out. It can wipe away some — or ...
While canceled or reduced loans are generally tax-free at the federal level, you may face hefty tax bills in 19 states.
The president signed an order that would deny loan forgiveness to workers for groups engaged in “substantial illegal ...
The U.S. Department of Education is cutting around 1,300 staffers from its workforce, the agency announced Tuesday.The ...
While federal student loans don't expire, some repayment plans promise complete forgiveness after a certain number of years. For example, the DoE's income-driven repayment plans offer forgiveness ...
As the Trump administration overhauls the student loan system, many borrowers pursuing Public Service Loan Forgiveness are ... to 120 qualifying payments. For example, time spent in forbearances ...
President Trump on Friday signed an order attempting to limit the types of student loan borrowers eligible for certain types of debt relief.
The U.S. Department of Education was created by an act of Congress in 1979. All agree that the cost of higher education is a ...
While federal student loans don't expire, some repayment plans promise complete forgiveness after a certain number of years. For example, the DoE's income-driven repayment plans offer forgiveness ...