German foreign intelligence reportedly concluded years ago that COVID-19 likely emerged from the Wuhan lab. Now, the cover-up ...
ST LOUIS, MO - This past week, a federal judge in Missouri ruled China concealed knowledge of the emergence of the ...
Two American virologists with former ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) argue that the lab’s recent research poses ...
In a study published in the journal, Cell, Jing Chen, PhD, and colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China, ...
KOCHI: Pause for a moment. Close your eyes, and rewind to 2020. It was on the evening of March 11, five years ago, that the ...
People who endured the longest Covid restrictions in the world are still grappling with what they lost: their loved ones, ...
Missouri’s AG won after Chinese representatives didn’t respond to the federal lawsuit. It’s unclear whether the state will ...
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, the first in over a century. The international ...
While public opinions of the CDC and the WHO shifted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, recent survey results indicate that ...
This week marks 5 years since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. From mask mandates to social distancing requirements, the pandemic turned our world upside down. But 5 ...
From animal hosts to laboratory leaks, the debate over the origin of the coronavirus pandemic is not yet settled – and may ...