Long bemoaned by many Republicans, whose inaction led state voters to approve Medicaid expansion in an initiative in 2018, the program was freshly targeted this year. House Bill 138, sponsored by Rep.
A legislative town hall in Idaho hosted by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) erupted into chaos on Saturday when a woman was forcibly removed after voicing concerns about the potential repeal of Medicaid expansion and other legislative issues,
As a family medicine physician in rural Idaho, I have had the privilege of caring for Idaho families for more than three decades. I have celebrated their milestones and stood
The best way to determine what a policy will actually do is to look at past instances where similar policies have been enacted. | Opinion
Legislative proposals to undo voter-approved Medicaid expansion could leave 90,000 Idahoans without medical insurance.
Redman said the new bill was based on testimony and concerns expressed on the House floor about the law with the repeal trigger.
Idaho House introduces a revised Medicaid cost control bill, a day after failed attempt to revive bill that could repeal Medicaid expansion.
Little said he had concerns that may not be the case if the Legislature enacts all of its proposed tax cuts, reducing a total of more than $400 million in revenue.
If we truly want thriving rural communities in Idaho, Medicaid is a critical part of the equation, writes guest columnist Jeremy Maxand.
Rep. Jordan Redman's new Medicaid expansion cost bill doesn't include a trigger to repeal Idaho Medicaid expansion, unlike House Bill 138.
A bill that could eventually lead to the repeal of Medicaid expansion cleared the House in a narrow vote Wednesday.
Rep. Jordan Redman's bill requires 11 Idaho Medicaid policy changes, or it would repeal expansion. The House passed it on a 38-32 vote.