Thus, hungry for war and keenly conscious of Germany’s fast imploding economic situation, his mind had turned by the beginning of 1939 to his next unfortunate target: Poland. And it was not only ...
Friedrich Merz, Germany's likely next head of government, is already trying to shape foreign policy. He is especially ...
Who would win in a hypothetical war in 2029? With Poland's rapid military modernization and Germany's advanced technology and ...
Andrzej Duda makes pitch to be America's best friend in EU following comments by Fredrich Merz, in line to be Germany's next ...
Should an AfD-led Germany withdraw from NATO, the alliance would surely collapse, as would an EU without Germany. Instead, a ...
Europe might be concerned with Trump's Ukraine strategy. But Americans should also be irritated with inadequate European, ...
Warsaw has dramatically increased its defence spending as it looks to protect its borders and stay close to the US ...
Four Hamas members suspected of plotting attacks on Jewish institutions in Europe went on trial in Berlin on Tuesday, in what ...