An epic exploration of human history examines how the poor and powerless have fought back — time and again — against those seeking to profit from the planet’s natural resources.
To understand the extent of the manipulation, we examined three scientific journals that were published by the Technoscience ...
Our research brings together diverse theoretical and methodological disciplinary expertise. Research topics have focused on the relational and material aspects of human and non-human encounters in the ...
Parmi eux, Myriam Yahia, une élève de secondaire 1 du Collège Mont Notre-Dame, a notamment remporté la médaille d'or du Réseau Technoscience et la bourse découverte du prix du réseau de l ...
Ultimately, it finds that the ascendency of “quantitative objectivity” in modern arts education, technoscience, public policy, and property law—especially the turn to economic analysis to determine ...
Photo : Radio-Canada / Rosalie Dumais-Beaulieu L’un des organisateurs de l’activité et directeur général chez Technoscience Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Dominique Girard, rappelle que l’Expo ...
Deux ados ont prouvé que les algues pouvaient réduire le CO2 aidant notamment à éviter la fatigue et les maux de tête.
Le système solaire est le nom donné au système planétaire composé du Soleil et des objets célestes gravitant autour de lui. Par extension, le terme système solaire peut parfois être employé pour ...
Conservation & Society, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2019), pp. 250-257 (8 pages) In this article, we analyse the politics behind human-wildlife relations, based on the different understanding of guanacos by local ...
It has taken center stage in art, literature, music, technoscience, and cyberculture, and has become inextricably woven into global politics. Closer to home, intellectual property has become part of ...
L’époque est mytho-techno-logique. La technoscience s’empare de tout, approfondit et étend sa domination (Axelos 2001, p. 26). 11Dans le passage ci-dessus, Kostas Axelos est resté malgré tout fidèle à ...
In the words of Jack Stilgoe of Demos: “The gulf between Western technoscience and applications for poor communities is far wider than I'd imagined. Ask people what they want from new ...