Deux ados ont prouvé que les algues pouvaient réduire le CO2 aidant notamment à éviter la fatigue et les maux de tête.
To regulate digestion, the neurons in the intestine sense the mechanical pressures caused by the passage of food. A team from the Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes and Flinders University ...
Le système solaire est le nom donné au système planétaire composé du Soleil et des objets célestes gravitant autour de lui. Par extension, le terme système solaire peut parfois être employé pour ...
Jasmine McNealy is an attorney, critical public interest technologist, and social scientist who studies emerging media & technology with a view toward influencing law and policy. Her research ...
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An epic exploration of human history examines how the poor and powerless have fought back — time and again — against those seeking to profit from the planet’s natural resources.
The College of Science and Technology Studies offers a dynamic interdisciplinary major in science and technology studies (“STS,” for short) that investigates of the sciences, technology, and medicine ...