The proposal is unlikely to pass out of the legislature, but it could still come before voters next year. It would apply ...
Republican Mike Rogers, who narrowly lost last year's U.S. Senate race, has an early lead over Buttigieg, according to one ...
A new poll of Michigan voters released Tuesday shows an uncertain road for Democrats in Michigan's 2026 elections. The poll, ...
DETROIT – Some high-profile names have already launched their campaigns in the race for Michigan’s governor in 2026. Current ...
A high-profile sheriff in Michigan who first came to national attention in 2020, has announced his bid to run for governor, ...
Republican legislators are proposing a constitutional amendment that would require Michigan residents to provide a photo ID ...
In an exclusive Epic/MRA poll Michiganders are sharing their thoughts on a hypothetical Governor’s race. Of those polled, 31% would hypothetically vote for Republican ...
The Michigan state representative announced the decision to have the medical procedure during a protest at the Michigan State ...
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan state lawmaker told a crowd protesting President Trump’s early actions this week that she ...
Brian BeGole, Jay DeBoyer, Ann Bollin, and Rachelle Smit. Smit, Bollin, and DeBoyer are former election clerks. (Courtesy of the Michigan House of Representatives) State Rep. Rachelle Smit, a former ...
GOP state Rep. Rachelle Smit, a former local clerk, continues to spout false claims about the 2020 election. She’s now the chair of the Michigan House’s newly renamed Election Integrity Committee.