Photonic applications harness the power of light-matter interactions to generate various intriguing phenomena. This has ...
Researchers have for the first time succeeded in combining two major research fields in photonics by creating a nanoobject ...
Researchers have directly observed Floquet states in semiconductors using all-optical spectroscopy under ambient conditions, ...
Have you ever wondered why oranges, mandarins, and other citrus fruits are often sold in red or orange nets? It's not just a ...
Nature has always left people in awe, from breathtaking stars to vibrant rainbows - one can never get enough of its splendor.
The interplay between linear and nonlinear optics plays a fundamental role in advancing optical technologies, with important ...
The article delves into an optical illusion featuring a sailor and a hidden image of his wife. It explains how such illusions ...
It’s a so-called nonlinear optical phenomenon, for example, similar to the sum- and difference-frequency generation effects ...
Over billions of years, the universe's stars and galaxies shined their light into space, leaving behind an imperceptibly faint night light known as the cosmic optical background. NASA's New Horizons s ...