The Abraham Peace Accords consist of multiple agreements signed between Israel and several Arab states which encourage a ...
And I cried so much while writing the book. I needed those tears to write. I don’t know what people in the Aroma cafe I wrote ...
The technological genie is out of the bottle, so even if we wanted to reverse (or even slow) some of our discoveries, we ...
1) Hundreds of thousands (now a few million, including their progeny) of Palestinians indeed left and/or were forced out of ...
With the avalanche of “hardcore’ substantive items flooding the news cycle in recent days—from the hostage releases to Donald ...
The good news is that Pope Francis recently stated that ‘All Religions Are Paths To God’; and in the last 25 years more than 850,000 Jewish young adults have visited Israel with the support of the ...
The Rebbe explained that when G-d appeared at Mount Sinai, He was returning to the world, His Garden—transforming it into a ...
Not twenty-four hours later I was in the midst of a pro-Trump Jewish community gathering. It is as if I am living in two ...
to have this project, which was first approved by God, checked. the Testament that Christians label Old: this the name of ...
Hamas is not a political movement with whom one can negotiate; it is a terrorist organization whose charter explicitly calls ...
If even the Bible, through the story of Shulamit, can celebrate eroticism, why is our modern society so terrified of it?
Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media platforms are certainly not the best places to discuss serious social and ...