COMMENTARY: ‘The Nihil obstat indicates that the faithful can receive a positive encouragement for their Christian life ...
More than half of Haiti is Catholic and a large majority of the country belongs to some Christian denomination.
On Sunday afternoon, the Polish-American Smolensk Disaster Commemoration Committee will unveil a monument at the shrine’s ...
While it offers no definitive judgment on the supernatural authenticity of the alleged apparitions, the Vatican’s report ...
The Holy Father insisted that it is neither “possible nor tolerable” to forget the damage done to the dignity of millions of ...
According to visionaries, Our Lady came to Medjugorje to show the faithful the way to peace and help convert lives so as to ...
Back in 2003, an analysis of how the attitudes of students at Catholic colleges changed from the time they entered as ...
Bishop John Sherrington, auxliary bishop of Westminster said in a Sept. 18 statement that the Public Order Act 'constitutes ...