Since the pilot Tri-Share child care program launched last summer, 18 employers have signed on, serving 20 employees and nine children.
Auditors: Lack of timely inspections, follow-ups to complaints meant bad actors were able to get away with violating ...
RFK Jr., fluoridation, drinking water, Lincoln County, ban, community water system, Juneau, Union County, oral health, ...
The study showed that medicine used to help asthma patients for more than 20 years could lessen or prevent acute allergic ...
Addiction Professionals of North Carolina launched a public awareness campaign about patient brokers, who refer patients to certain treatment facilities in exchange for kickbacks.
A new course, first offered last semester, trains undergraduate college students to serve as hospital sitters who help keep patients safe.
New policies limiting transgender rights — including restricting access to gender-affirming care — add emotional and mental strain.
Funding reductions proposed by Congress threaten hospitals, children’s health and local economies in rural communities.
The proposed legislation defines health benefit mandates as certain regulations on health insurance plans, including things ...
More than 60,000 people in the U.S. bleed to death every year from traumatic events, like car crashes, or other emergencies.
While insurance companies press for higher premiums from policyholders to cover liability, state insurance commissioners are fiercely negotiating with the companies to keep rates as low as possible to ...