In this February 2024 Hills Area Fire Department chief Jared Rozeboom places equipment in the box of the current rescue ...
Bulletin boards at Luverne Elementary are filled with pictures of college mascots during March Madness as students celebrate ...
Allen Nuffer (right) of rural Hills was recognized Tuesday, March 11, at the annual township meeting for his 30 years of ...
Luverne High School earned a first-place team finish at the Region 6 ag mechanics competition and will now represent the ...
A throwback to the 1980s takes place next week when the Green Earth Players (GEP) perform “A Night at the Palace at the ...
Mayor Pat Baustian emceed the Luverne Initiatives For Tomorrow (LIFT) gala Friday night in Big Top Tents and Events. The ...
Brad McColley with DRC Inc. of Litchfield drops material from the former Hills High School in Hills Monday. The demolition of ...
Luverne City Council members toured the nearly finished Kids Rock! Child Care Center Tuesday, March 18, as part of their ...
Question: Can you talk about railroad crossing safety and the laws that cover it?
For more than four decades, the Minnesota Horse Expo offered a variety of vendors, exhibits and educational talks for horse owners and fans of the four-legged animals.
I’m sincerely grateful —even proud — each week when I open the digital Star Herald, and I look forward to later lingering over the print edition.
I was just talking to my wife the other day and we were discussing how excited we were for the warmer weather that is soon to arrive.