Our training must take into consideration that the enemy will fight back, that he is attempting to kill us while we are going through our own ...
The 75th Ranger Regiment is a lethal, agile and flexible force, capable of conducting many complex, joint special operations missions. Today's Ranger regiment is the Army's premier direct-action ...
The 75th Ranger Regiment is the US Army's premier airborne light infantry unit. Specializing in raids and airfield seizures, the Regiment is one of very few units that has been constantly ...
First and foremost, United States Army Rangers in the 75th Ranger Regiment are one of the most capable and lethal special operators in the entire world. However, deep within the 75th Ranger ...
Over the summer, soldiers from the Army's little-known Nuclear Disablement Team linked up with the elite 75th Ranger Regiment at a training event that offered insight into how the US military is ...
The US Army's 75th Ranger Regiment is testing a prototype of a new litter that could carry soldiers from the battlefield on the back of either an Infantry Squad Vehicle or MRZR Alpha. (Janes ...
I enlisted in the U.S. Army after high school as an Airborne Ranger. After basic training, airborne school and ranger selection, I was assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment.
The Army's 75th Ranger Regiment is headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia (soon to be renamed Fort Moore). More from Loadout A triangle pointing right which indicates this type of media can be played.
Browning’s previous assignments include 1st Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment and Regimental Special Troops Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment. While assigned to these units he deployed ten times to various ...