Organizations that enforce the federal Fair Housing Act say they are struggling to operate with the sudden elimination of ...
EEOC alleged that an HR directory for Security Engineers, Inc., directed staff not to schedule women for certain roles ...
Now, the security company will pay $1.6 million to settle a sex discrimination lawsuit, federal officials said.
Federal Agency Alleges Fast Food Companies Created Hostile Work Environment for Female Workers, Including Teens, and Fired Manager When She ...
Federal Agency Charged Security Company with Engaging in Systemic Sex Discrimination in Hiring and Assignments - BIRMINGHAM, ...
NYU Law’s Madeleine Gyory says the curtailment of federal protections for reproductive health-care access for workers would ...
NYU Law’s Madeleine Gyory says the curtailment of federal protections for reproductive health-care access for workers would ...
A Black McKeesport police officer is suing his employer and the city’s mayor over claims of racial discrimination in how the ...
LeoPalace Guam Corp., doing business as LeoPalace Resort Guam in Yona, will pay more than $1.412 million and provide equitable relief to settle a national origin discrimination lawsuit filed by ...
A lawsuit filed by 17 states including North Dakota challenging federal rules entitling workers to time off and other accommodations for abortions may proceed, a federal appeals court ruled.
The nation’s primary regulator of workplace discrimination has moved to dismiss cases that may run afoul of President Trump’s ...
The lawsuit against a Culver’s restaurant in Clarkston, Michigan, is one of seven cases involving gender identity ...