Thus, hungry for war and keenly conscious of Germany’s fast imploding economic situation, his mind had turned by the beginning of 1939 to his next unfortunate target: Poland. And it was not only ...
The idea is being led by the UK and France, two of the most powerful militaries in Europe, but questions remain over who else could be involved. What about Germany, Poland and Italy?
Japanese snowboarder Tsubaki Miki won the season-ending World Cup women's parallel giant slalom event Sunday to clinch the ...
The European Union’s asylum agency on Monday released its annual report for the 27-nation bloc, plus Norway and Switzerland.
At this summit, the UK and Europe noted that they are at "a crossroads in history," referring to the breakdown of talks ...
Reading all the news in my temporary flat at Cambridtge University, where my wife is on a year’s sabbatical leave, I’m able ...
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has rallied his European counterparts to shore up their borders and throw their full ...
Responding to a question about Hegseth’s announcement that the U.S. Cyber Command would pause offensive efforts against ...
WOLFGANG ISCHINGER is President of the Munich Security Conference Foundation Council and former German Ambassador to the ...
European leaders met in London to form a plan to help end the war in Ukraine. But even potential peacekeepers face political ...
European elites are caught in a dangerous cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy. They claim U.S. President Donald Trump is abandoning NATO.
If European leaders fail to act, they risk watching history repeat itself: a divided, weak continent, vulnerable to external ...