Work is taking place right now between Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties to the Western Kentucky Parkway. Kentucky Highway ...
The US 41 interchange will be reconfigured near the end of construction on the future I-69 Ohio River Crossing bridge. In its ...
The county reported that crews worked to resolve the issue both on time and under the estimated budget of $1.9 million.
A new covered bridge is now complete on Middle Wheeling Creek making it the only covered bridge in Ohio County.In 2009, ...
The Nina Paden and its skipper wheeled beyond the call of duty in ferrying the Ohio River at Parkersburg, West Virginia. Of ...
Great Miami River flood, the City of Hamilton and its residents were in a desperate state. All four of the structures that ...
The Stark Street Bridge will open Thursday after five months of repair. It will briefly close four days later for a county reopening event.