Glenmark Pharmaceuticals recalls 14.76 lakh bottles of Atomoxetine Capsules in the US due to impurity concerns.
As an angel investor, Peter Shankman has made millions investing in startups, yet it wasn’t easy getting to the top of the ...
A new study from Brazil has shed light on the complex origins of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ...
Consequences of misdiagnosis Misdiagnosing ADHD in place of OCD is particularly concerning and can carry serious consequences ...
Mothers who took acetaminophen during pregnancy were more than three times more likely to have a child with ADHD, a.k.a.
The study observed higher risk of ADHD in children born to mothers who used Acetaminophen during their pregnancy.
The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon. Lu J, Jiang M, Chai D, Sun Y and Wu L (2025) Integrative analysis of intestinal flora and ...
ADHD is a common behavioral condition that affects approximately 7 million US children, including about a million kids ...
Adults with autism have high rates of co-occurring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and are more likely to ...
Here’s how to tell if your ADHD medication is having the desired effect: If your medication is working, you may notice a ...
ADHD Advisor compiled evidence-based tactics for managing ADHD as an Adderall shortage continues to plague pharmacies across ...
Charlie Health explores how groups can help people navigate ADHD symptoms, build coping strategies, and foster a sense of ...