Have you ever wondered how scientists and photographers create images and videos like those on our site? If so, you’ve come to the right place. These videos feature research experts from HHMI’s ...
The nucleus is the organelle that contains and protects the cell’s DNA. However, it is much more complex than just a sac for DNA. It has its own membrane, which wraps around the DNA and has a variety ...
Julien Resseguier is a group leader at the University of Oslo in Norway. He studies the spatial dynamics of immune responses and infections, with a particular interest in the branchial cavity lymphoid ...
I am currently a PhD student of plant cell biology, focusing on the actin cytoskeleton and plant cell growth and morphogenesis. My love for the microscopic world started in childhood when I got my ...
Dr. Siwanowicz began his career in biochemistry, but his love for animals and nature, and a desire to see the bigger picture, drove him to refocus his scientific discipline on neurobiology. This ...
Nope, this isn’t a small, prickly mammal with a flashy dye job, but a single intestinal epithelial cell. The colorful, hairlike structures are microvilli, which are designed to maximize the cell’s ...
Derek Sung is a physician-scientist and pathology resident living in Philadelphia. He received his MD and PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. His research has spanned from heart valve disease and ...
Andy Moore is a postdoctoral scientist in the Lippincott-Schwartz lab on HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus. He completed his graduate training at the University of Pennsylvania, where he researched ...
Matt Tyska joined the cell and developmental biology department at Vanderbilt University as an assistant professor in 2004. He is currently the Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Cell and Developmental ...
This white sphere on a background of forest green is the eye of an embryonic zebrafish. The eye of an adult zebrafish is about 2.3 millimeters across, or roughly nine times smaller than your thumbnail ...
HHMI researchers discover that protein related to snake venom toxin modulates receptors that are targeted by nicotine. Scientists have found that a protein resembling snake venom neurotoxin modulates ...
HHMI's Janelia Research Campus in Ashburn, Virginia, brings together teams of scientists to unlock the fundamentals of biology. By nurturing careers, influencing environments, and collaborating ...