Is the angular size of the black hole in the movie "interstellar ...
Oct 15, 2020 · One striking example of this that has seems counter-intuitive, is the angular size displayed for the black hole "Gargantua" in the movie Interstellar. The characters in the movie …
terminology - Is "intrastellar" commonly used by astronomers to …
The CNET article Interstellar comet Borisov looks ordinary, making Oumuamua even weirder says:. A paper published Monday in Nature Astronomy lays out the early data on Borisov, …
How cold is interstellar space? - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Jun 2, 2016 · But since the interstellar medium (ISM) is so dilute, a normal thermometer will radiate energy away faster than it can absorb it, and thus it won't reach thermal equilibrium …
Interstellar movie: What is the "portal" to the other galaxy?
Jun 2, 2015 · I recently watched Interstellar with some friends and we didn't come to the same conclusion. In my opinion, the portal they use to go to the other galaxy (to visit the three …
What are the differences between Intergalactic Medium, …
Oct 29, 2021 · The interstellar medium (ISM) is, as you say, the gas (and dust) in between the stars, within a galaxy. It consists of molecular, neutral and ionized gas, with densities ranging …
Interstellar Dust properties - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Mar 15, 2021 · While it’s true that 98% of the interstellar gas is hydrogen and helium, dust is composed of the last 2%. That is, iron, carbon, silicon, oxygen, etc. 🚫 Finally, while it’s true that …
Can it be predicted if an Interstellar Object will get bound to the ...
Aug 4, 2024 · $\begingroup$ Anything from interstellar space would be unbound, even if it was initially moving very slowly relative to the Sun. All such objects would have total energy >0 …
interstellar medium - What is the word for space that is in the solar ...
Jun 27, 2016 · We distinguish space by its contents; the space within the heliosphere is called the interplanetary medium (it contains solar plasma, dust, etc.), while the interstellar medium …
Why is the interstellar medium so hot? - Astronomy Stack Exchange
Nov 20, 2013 · The difference in density is huge, with interstellar medium density at an average of $\rho ∼ 1\ ppcm$ (one proton per cubic centimeter), but the density of these WHIM being even …
Would a spaceship have to evade interstellar clouds?
Aug 19, 2016 · Most interstellar particles are ionized, and so can be deflected by a magnetic field. I believe some experiments have been done on the idea and suggest a fairly weak (and likely …