About Fujitsu : Fujitsu China - Fujitsu Global
At Fujitsu, we’re passionate about using technology to create a more inclusive, sustainable and trusted future.
Your Sustainability Transformation Partner | Fujitsu China
Fujitsu digitizes supply chains, improves the buying experience for consumers, and enables retailers to operate more efficiently. Mars partnered with Fujitsu to build an engagement platform that drives enhanced, frictionless, digital experiences for B2B customers across all channels.
Tongfu Microelectronics - Wikipedia
Tongfu Microelectronics (TFME; Chinese: 通富微电; pinyin: Tōngfù Wéidiàn) is a publicly listed Chinese semiconductor company headquartered in Nantong, Jiangsu. It is one of the largest Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) companies in mainland China.
Fujitsu Subsidiaries In China : Fujitsu China - Fujitsu Global
Sales of self-made products and Fujitsu-approved products, agency sales of cloud computing service products and related information services, technology transfer, technical consulting, technical services, and technical training.
Our Business : Fujitsu China
Fujitsu Uvance’s sustainable transformation solutions are rooted in a discerning choice of five advanced technologies. Each is capable of delivering differentiated business results today – and into the future.
您的可持续转型合作伙伴 | Fujitsu China - 富士通中国
2023年1月,富士通与牛津经济公司合作,对九个国家的1,800名决策者进行了调查,评估他们在可持续转型方面取得的进展以及数字化转型在实现可持续发展目标方面的作用。 实现可持续转型的进展因公司而异。 富士通Uvance业务负责人高桥美波(Yoshinami Takahashi)分享了他计划如何利用技术来支持客户推动可持续增长的想法. 我们没有一天不听说生成性AI,比如ChatGPT、Dall-E2和Stable Diffusion。 富士通研究公司的负责人Seishi Okamoto向我们介绍了公司与生成性AI合作 …
Mainland China | COMPANY | Corporate Profile - FUJITSU GENERAL
FUJITSU GENERAL CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONER (WUXI) CO., LTD. Telephone: +86-510-8527-0900 Facsimile: +86-510-8527-0999 Address: No.10 Lijiang Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214028, China Google Maps Website: https://www.fujitsu-general.com.cn
Manufacturing | Fujitsu China
Embracing digital innovation, Fujitsu revolutionizes manufacturing, distribution, and sales through automation and visualization. Our focus on an end-to-end supply chain view and the optimization of production processes is geared towards delivering unparalleled customer value.
富士通 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
富士通公司 (日语: 富士通株式会社 、英語: Fujitsu Limited)是一家源自於 日本 的綜合跨國電子製造公司與資訊科技(ICT)服務公司。 總部位於東京。 該公司主要產品為各類通訊系統、資訊處理系統與電子產品(半導體 、 超級電腦 、 個人電腦 、 伺服器)、數位轉型解決方案及相關服務。 作為一家全球IT服務供應商,富士通在日本國內市佔率排名第一、全球第十(2022年)。 其銷售額則為日本國內排名第1、世界第4(2015)。 1935年,「富士通信機製造」成立,為富 …
Fujitsu locations across the world : Fujitsu China - Fujitsu Global
Fujitsu has offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia, providing a variety of different products and solutions for businesses. For customers in Mexico, please visit our South America website.